
1. Go to Account

2. Open Personal Information

3. Edit name, mobile number, and account picture

4. Click Update

1. Go to Account

2. Open Personal Information

3. Change Password

4. Click Update

1. Go to Forgot password

2. Enter your account email

3. Check your mail for a password reset link

Note: all configurations are open only for Admins and Account Owners only

1. Go to Configurations > Leads Attributes

2. Select/Remove the leads entry fields you want

3. Click Apply

Note: all configurations are open only for Admins and Account Owners only.

Duplicates are contacts that are added to the system twice with two different persons in charge.

1. Go to Duplicates

2. Check for duplicates

3. Open duplicated leads

4. Click Solve

5. Assign, move or delete.

Note: all configurations are open only for Admins and Account Owners only

Nothing will happen to your existing duplicates. If duplicates are off, you won't be allowed to add the same phone number twice even if under different names.

Note: all configurations are open only for Admins and Account Owners only.

1. Go to Configurations > Leads Status & Source

2. Add/Remove/Rename/Rearrange pipeline name and stages.

3. Click Update

Note: all configurations are open only for Admins and Account Owners only.

1. Go to Configurations > Leads Status & Source

2. Enter source > Click add new source

Tags are labels that you assign to a lead to identify a specific situation like "new client" "VIP client" "budget" etc...those tags are preset and defined by the admin. Tags are searchable and can be easily assigned to leads.

To add tags to Leads:

1. Go to Lists & Leads > choose list

2. Go to Lead > Edit

Note: all configurations are open only for Admins and Account Owners only.

1. Go to Configurations > Leads Status & Source

2. Enter tag manually or Upload Excel

Note: all configurations are open only for Admins and Account Owners and Data Entry Managers only.
Note: You have to be an Admin on the Facebook page you want to connect.

1. Go to Lists & Leads > choose list

2. Click on Connect Facebook Leads

3. Approve permissions on Facebook

4. Choose profile

5. Choose the form

6. Fill out mapping

7. Update

Note: all configurations are open only for Admins and Account Owners and Data Entry Managers only.

1. Configurations > Facebook connections

2. Click delete

Note: CIL is Real Estate related only.

Contact Information Letter: linking the lead’s contact info (with the developer of choice) to the Sales in charge of the lead.

Note: all configurations are open only for Admins and Account Owners only.
Note: CIL is Real Estate related only.

1. Go to Configurations

2. CIL Settings

3. Add New CIL

4. Fill developer/project information

5. Fill E-mail information

6. Click Update

Note: all configurations are open only for Admins and Account Owners only.

1. Go to Configurations > Products & Services attributes

2. Select fields you want > Active

3. Click Apply

Note: all configurations are open only for Admins and Account Owners only.

1. Go to Sales > Products & Services

2. Add new product

3. Fill popup

4.Add product

Note: all configurations are open only for Admins and Account Owners only.

1. Go to configuration > Targets set up

2. Set Target

3. Fill pop up

4. Create

Note: all configurations are open only for Admins and Account Owners only.

1. Go to configuration

2. Press Targets set up

3. Press Set Individual Target

4. Fill pop up

Note: all configurations are open only for Admins and Account Owners only.

FL Call is set up from our side.

Client-side requirements:

1. A Unified phone number that will forward all calls to our server

2. Team members phone numbers who will receive the calls

3. IVR (voice message)

Note: Team settings are open only for Admins and Account Owners only.

-Account owner is the highest authority on the system. They can edit all tabs, leads, users, pipelines, and configurations. They can perform all data entry actions & review and modify reports & settings .Can perform all functions including performing calls, register updates, or log to mobile apps.

-Admin is the second-highest authority on the system (after Account Owner). They can see/edit all tabs; leads, users, listings, chats, pipeline & reports. Perform all data entry actions and all bulk assign & move on the system. Review all reports and modify settings. PS: Admin is a managerial position that can't perform calls, register updates, or log to mobile apps.

-Listing Manager is a position made for the person who exclusively handles listings, he can add, edit any listing on the system. Visibility: only see "Leads" inserted or assigned to him.

-Super Leader is the highest position in terms of Sales, they can see any list on the system without being part of it, monitor all team leaders and teams, perform all actions on any lead on the system (register a call, move, re-assign). Review all reports, pipelines & dashboards. Can log to a mobile application.

-Collaborator is a sales position with limited access on the full account but full access on the list they are part of. They can see leads, reports, assign, move and Can log to a mobile application (for the lists they are part of.

-Team Leader is a middle sales position, they can be responsible for a team. Can overlook leads assigned to them and to his team, perform all actions on any lead they can access (register a call, move, re-assign). Team leaders can see only the "Lists" they are part of, can see only their leads and team's leads. Can log to a mobile application.

-Team member is an entry sales position, Can overlook leads assigned to them only, perform all actions on any lead he can access (Register a call, move, re-assign). Team members can see only the "Lists" they are part of, and Can't be added to a list without their "Team Leader". Can log to the mobile application.

-Data entry manager is a high position that can be used by "marketers" or the person in charge of "data entry", he can see any lead on the system. Perform all data entry actions, bulk assign & move on the system. Can't create new lists, add users or see reports.

-Data entry is a role with limited accessibility, they can see all lists but only see the leads inserted by them in each list, can do bulk assign and move to the leads inserted by them to any user. Can't perform calls, connect campaigns or see reports. This position can be used for "data entry" people or marketers at the entry level.

Note: Team settings are open only for Admins and Account Owners only.

1. Go to Team

2. Add users

3. Fill pop up

4. Add user

Note: You can always upgrade users. In order to downgrade, delete users and add again in the new role.

1. Go to Team

2. Edit desired user

3. Change role from dropdown

4. Save

Note: Deleting team leaders is open only for Account Owners & Admin.

In order to delete a team leader, you have to first assign all his leads to other users.

Note: Deleting team members is open only for Account Owners & Admin.

To delete a team member you must first assign their Leads to other team members to be in charge of them, because if you just delete a member their leads will automatically be unassigned.

1. Re-assign team member’s leads

2. Go to Team

3. Choose desired Member

4. Press Delete

Note: Team reset password is open only for Account Owners & Admin.

1. Go to Team

2. Choose desired user

3. Reset Password

4. Enter new password > Press Reset Password

5. Click Reset

Manually, upload excel sheet, facebook campaign lead forms and google forms from client websites.

1. Go to Lists & leads

2. Choose a list

3. Choose your preferred option(add more people, connect Facebook Leads, add leads, upload excel sheet)

When you create the container, you choose one of those delivery types:

  • Team Rotation
  • Team leaders only
  • Sales team members
  • Manual assign

Note: This feature is available on android devices only and subjected to client approval.

The first time you open the Flash Lead application you press allow to sync Call Logs.

Later on, you can allow/remove this permission in mobile settings.

1. Go to Lists & Leads

2. Select desired List

3. Select desired Lead

4. Press More Actions

5. Choose Assigned to name from drop-down list

6. Press Submit Feedback

Note : Export is open for Admins and Account Owner only.

1. Go to Lists & Leads

2. Open List

3. Export

1. Go to Lists & Leads

2. Select desired List

3. Select lead

4. Edit

5. Make Changes

6. Update

1. Go to Lists & Leads

2. Select Desired List

3. Select Lead

4. Bulk Action

5. Move

6. Select List

7. Press Update

Only account owner and admins.

1. Go to Lists & Leads

2. Choose List

3. Select Lead

4. Call Answered / More Actions

5. Add your call feedback & comments, schedule a meeting, set a reminder for the next call.

6. Submit feedback

Creation Date, Action Date, Inactive Period, Assigned to, Scheduled, Added by, Tags, Sort by (recently added, older first, recent follow-ups ….)

Note: Team settings are open only for Admins and Account Owners only.

1. Go to Lists & Leads > Choose List

2. Choose Lead

3. More Actions > Meetings

4. Setup a new meeting > Fill meeting info

5. Add user

1. Go to lists & leads

2. Choose List

3. Choose lead

4. More actions

5. Meetings

6. Press the eye icon

7. To edit or reschedule or cancel

8. To update

1. Go to Leads & Lists

2. Choose List

3. Select Lead

3. Bulk Action

4. Choose the desired option ( Move, assign, change status, send SMS, Bulk Delete, Bulk Tags)

1. Go to lists & leads

2. Choose List

3. Choose desired leads

4. Bulk Action

5. Bulk SMS

6. Write your message

7. Send

1. Go to List & Leads

2. Press Add new List

3. Fill pop up

4. Press Create List

Because they’re not added to the list.

To add them to the List:

1. Go to Lists & Leads

2. Choose the desired list

3. Click on Add more people

4. Choose members

5. Press Update

Note: Lead export is open only for Admins and Account Owners only.

1. Go to Lists & Leads

2. Choose the desired list

3. Choose desired Lead

4. Press Export

Lists are where you can store your leads under one name. Groups are where you can store multiple lists under one name.

1. Go to Lists & Leads

2. Choose the desired list

3. Press Create new group

4. Name group

5. Press +

1. Go to Lists & Leads

2. Choose the desired list

3. Press Add to group

4. Choose desired group

5. Press Update

1. Go to Lists & Leads

2. Choose the desired list

3. Press Delete this List

1. Go to Lists & Leads

2. Choose the desired list

3. Choose desired Lead

4. Press More actions

5. Change Status

6. Press Submit Feedback

1. Go to Lists & Leads

2. Choose the desired list

3. Choose desired Lead

4. Click on the CIL icon

5. Choose CIL

6. Click send

Regular Pipeline: tracks the progress of leads inserted in certain "period of time" example: December 2021 leads.

Activity progress: tracks changes of leads status resulted by activities in a certain time, despite the lead entry date.

Note: Reporting is open only for Team Leaders, Admins and Account Owners only.

1. Go to Reporting

2. Team

3. Press Export

Note: Reporting is open only for Admins and Account Owners only.

1. Go to Reporting

2. Team

3. Press Add Field

4. Choose fields

5. Press Apply

Note: Reporting is open only for Team Leaders, Admins and Account Owners only.

Go to Reporting

2. Press FLC Report

3. Press Export Log

The sales module has all the details and information you need to know about your set sales and it helps you create, organize & track your sales.

*From Sales Module:

1. Go to Sales > Sales

2. Review Status

*From Lists & Leads:

1. Go to Lists & Leads

2. Select List

3. Select Desired Lead

4. Press More Actions

5. Press Sales

Note: Completing or deleting a sale is open only for Admins and Account Owners only.

1. Go to Sales

2. Press Sales

3. Press Edit on desired sale

4. Press Complete Deal/Delete Deal

*From Sales Module:

1. Go to Sales >Press Create a New Sale or Go to Dashboard > Press New Sale

2. Press Add customer

3. Press Sale details

4. Search Product / Services >Press Add Product

*From Lists & Leads:

1. Go to Leads & Lists

2. Choose desired List

3. Go to desired Lead > Press More Actions

4. Press Sales > New Sale

5. Press Sale Details

6. Search Product / Services > Press Add Product

1. Finalize contract & invoice

2. Sign-up on

3. Wait for Flash Lead approval

4. Login & start using your account

Cash or transfer through our bank account.

You get 18% off.

Note: You will receive reminder for payment on your account in the last 14 days

1. Go to Payments

2. Add billing info

3. Save settings

4. FL Team will then generate payment request

There is a message that appears in the last 14 days of your subscription as a warning that the service will stop if you don’t renew on time. You will still be able to log in but won’t see any of the data on the system. Once you renew, all data will be accessible again and nothing is lost.

1. Go to backup

2. Download your data

3. For 1 year contracts there’s a 2 months penalty.

4. For Quarterly contracts, no penalty is paid.

Flash Lead for Zoom integration facilitates remote collaboration and work tracking. It saves time, double work, keeps record of all your Zoom meetings and makes sure each meeting is recorded in Flash Lead Dashboard.

With Flash Lead’s Zoom integration, you can link Zoom meetings to your leads and clients that you are managing through Flash Lead. When linked, an automated email will be sent to the meeting attendees and reflect on their calendars.

This integration helps users track meetings within Flash Lead, lead better meetings in Zoom, and saves admin time by adding the transcript and recording where you need it as soon as it’s available.

Flash Lead for Zoom is available for our PRO package.

No installation is needed from Flash Lead user’s, Flash Lead for Zoom is already installed for all PRO users

When you create a meeting fill all the information in Flash Lead meeting fields

You will find a checkbox to automatically create a Zoom meeting link.

Once checked you have to log into Zoom and accept Flash Lead access to your Zoom Account.

Once the access is given, Flash Lead will create a Zoom meeting and send to the attendees

All the information regarding the Meeting subject, time, attendees and goal will be automatically added to Zoom

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